Hearing Loss The other name of hearing loss is known as hearing impairment. It is a partial or total inability to hear.Hearing loss may occur in one or both the ears.If the children get suffered from hearing impairment then they get difficuly in speaking and hearing.Hearing loss are of temporary or permanent baiss. There are many factors which cause in Hearing Loss problem such as genetics, ageing, exposure to noise, some infections, birth complications. Age and noise are the two most common causes. Hearing Loss is a natural consequence of getting older.Our hearing ability get dimished wiyh our age. Another common reason of hearing loss is vulnerability to noise. It can also be a outcome of living in a noisy surrounding. Examples of sone noisy tools are- machinery,motors,loud sound at music concerts,clubs,earphone and MP3 players also. Types of Hearing Loss. 1- Conductive hearing loss 2- Sensorineural hearing loss 3- Mixed hearing loss About Conductive Hearing Loss ...